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사철검은재나무 관련 논문 Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex(Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morpholog

by 여왕벌. 2023. 3. 9.

Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morpholog

사철검은재나무Symplocos nakaharae complex.pdf


Types of infructescences in Symplocos nakaharae complex.



Type I.Carpel fusion of minimal degree occurs and the gap between carpels are obvious (Fig. 5: A). This type of fruit was observed in S. setchuensis (Fig. 2: K), S. lucida subsp. lucida (Fig. 2: D), S. lucida subsp. howii (Fig. 2: E), and S. nakaharae (Fig. 2: F).

Type II. Carpel fusion occurs to some degree and the gap between carpels is very small (Fig. 5: B). This type of fruit was found in S. kawakamii (Fig. 2: C), S. migoi (Fig. 2: J), S. multipes (Fig. 2: I), S. shilanensis (Fig. 2: O), S. tetragona (Fig. 2: N), and S. theifolia (Fig. 2: L, M).

Type III. Carpels fuse well, but the gap between carpels can be still observed in some local sites (Fig. 5: C). This type of fruit occurs in S. henryi (Fig. 2: G), S. tanakae (Fig. 2: H), S. pergracilis (Fig. 2: B), and S. boninensis (Fig. 2: A)

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