2022. 4. 1.
재작년부터 봐오던 녀석이 어수리아재비란 국명으로 이번 한국식물분류학회 52권 1호 71-76에 논문으로 출판되었다.
어수리아재비A new record of Tordylium maximum (Apiaceae) from Korea (1).pdf
A new record of Tordylium maximum (Apiaceae) from KoreaKyeonghee KIM, Eui-ho EOM1 , Sang Deog SHIM1 , Myoung Ja NAM2 , Bong Seok KIM2 and Jung-Hyun KIM*Plant Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Korea 1 Woori Botanical Garden, Damyang 57319, Korea 2 The Society for Korean Peninsula Plants (Citizen Researcher), Anyang 14069, Korea |
ABSTRACT: Tordylium maximum L. (Apiaceae), native to south, south-central Europe and southwest Asia and a rare alien plant in northern Europe, was newly found in Jeollabuk-do in Korea. Tordylium is clearly distinguished from other genera by having radiating petals, filiform bracts, linear bractlets, stalked mericarps with minutely vesicular dorsal face or strigose hairs, and an annual habit. Tordylium maximum is different from other species of the genus by its mericarps with smooth margins and 10–16 rays not contracted in fruit. T. maximum grows on dry and sunny grasslands. Here, we report the first occurrence of the genus Tordylium represented by T. maximum in Korea and provide a precise description, illustration, photographs of the species, and a taxonomic key to allied taxa in Korea. Keywords: alien plant, Apiaceae, Tordylieae, Tordylium maximum RECEIVED 18 February 2022; REVISED 1 March 2022; ACCEPTED 12 March 2022 |
남부 지역 항만 부근 도로변에서 무리지어 발견되었던 이 녀석은 높이 150cm 정도로 크며 줄기 속은 비어 있다.
산형과인 이 분류군은 어수리처럼 바깥 쪽 꽃잎이 유난히 크고
열매는 납작한 타원형이며 화경과 소화경에 거센 털이 많다.
뿐만 아니라 줄기와 잎, 열매 등 전초에 털이 많다.
어수리아재비 : https://blog.daum.net/qweenbee/8907427 https://blog.daum.net/qweenbee/8908604
어수리아재비 신초 : https://blog.daum.net/qweenbee/8907430 https://qweenbee.tistory.com/8909538
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